Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to school computing pics for 2016 (updating frequently)

Ping This!
With kids going of to college/school it's come time again for everyone and their second cousin's great grand pappy to call me up and ask "what computer should I get?" So here are my back to school computing picks for 2016:
    -Acer C910-54M1 16" chromebook

I will update the list as I am asked by more people in the coming days.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ping This!
It's been quite a year, and much has changed. I have discovered that I had completely neglected my hobby: 3D. I honestly can't remember the last time I worked on an actual 3D model. So I have decided to fire up some of my old software and give it a go. Another pastime has always been blogging in some form or another, so I'll be trying to get back in to that as well. The is the obligatory first post, following posts will contain something to get excited about.