Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to school computing pics for 2016 (updating frequently)

Ping This!
With kids going of to college/school it's come time again for everyone and their second cousin's great grand pappy to call me up and ask "what computer should I get?" So here are my back to school computing picks for 2016:
    -Acer C910-54M1 16" chromebook

I will update the list as I am asked by more people in the coming days.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ping This!
It's been quite a year, and much has changed. I have discovered that I had completely neglected my hobby: 3D. I honestly can't remember the last time I worked on an actual 3D model. So I have decided to fire up some of my old software and give it a go. Another pastime has always been blogging in some form or another, so I'll be trying to get back in to that as well. The is the obligatory first post, following posts will contain something to get excited about.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The new Inner Harbor diet

Ping This!
With everyone trying to lose a couple pounds and a few inches off the waist, it's easy to fall victim to fake diet plans based on no actual data or fact. The most effective means of dieting are often simple and are really just common sense. There are also different problems that individuals have with their eating habits, for instance, some people have problems controlling their hunger.

I have heard lots of people say that they have a difficult time controlling their hunger. They just eat whatever they can get their hands on, the more convenient, the more likely it is that they had it for lunch. I have never had a real problem with this, and I've often wondered how people can have such a hard time controlling their hunger. Then today it finally hit me! The reason people have a hard time controlling their hunger is really quite simple. Their nose doesn't smell all the awful crap in the air, and they are obviously defective. There is pollution, pollen, farts, and stinkies all over the place if you know where to look. All of which should help you get control over your hunger urges once and for all. Some scents are seasonal, others are random, and some are around all year round.

Today when I walked in to work, I was greeted by a smell I had not had a whiff of in quite a long time. The overwhelming stench of the bay almost made me vomit on the spot. Who knows what terrible thing started rotting this morning, and it's letting the whole town know. If you can see the bay, you can smell it. On the way to get lunch, it hit me again, and I almost lost the lunch I hadn't even bought yet. Anyone that has a hard time controlling their hunger is invited to come to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD. It smells like rotten crotch, mixed with burned feces down here, come and get it while it's hot and moist!